Product and business development Mobile Service Solution

Noser Engineering AG: 

"Concentrated engineering power from Switzerland" for innovative software and hardware projects.

Timeboxed Innovation: 

Competence reference in employment.


Completely new product and business development mobile service solution (analog startup) with the aim of scalable new customer acquisition.

Initial Situation:

An enormous amount of technical expertise and commitment was to be deployed in a newly established business unit to develop a new mobile service solution.

Preliminary Phase:

Successful development of a minimum viable product consisting of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and a Dynamics Mobile Framework.

Success criteria preliminary Phase:

Expansion of the partnership with Microsoft, convincing MVP, acquisition of a reference customer, coaching of software engineers for more consulting skills.

Tools and technologies used:

Microsoft Server, Microsoft Dynamics CRM as backend, Microsoft Dynamics Mobile Framework, Microsoft development environment, Motorola end devices with barcode scanners.

Method used:

Lean Startup with Business Development

Project contribution and role:

Project management, system engineering, consulting, business development with new customer acquisition, coaching of engineers.

Final result:

The project was divided into sprints in parallel to the lean innovation approach with Azure DevOps and successfully implemented according to initial planning. It fully meets the expectations and plans formulated in the initial situation and creates new scope for further optimization and internal collaboration.

Future-proof digitalization of a young, dynamic SME
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