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Opensource Navigator
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Opensource in everyday life at SMEs?

The Opensource Navigator delivers Answers
- Opensource Demo- and Information-Platform with Innovations for SME.
What application examples are there?

References and Business Epics
Excerpt of project examples:
- Digitalization SMEs
- Digital Engineering using Siemens Valor Process Preparation VPP
- Opensource Navigator
- Reference table
How to "make" Projects and Innovation

Field-proven tools and methods
- "The difference between theory and practice is greater in practice than in theory." ~Ernst Ferstl

Pricelist for Investments GmbH - Switzerland UG - Germany
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)

Data protection and security in practice?

Cookies, Imprint, Data Protection, GDPR
Maximum DSGVO / GDPR compliance through self-hosting in Germany
Maximum operational security in a 27001-certified data center
Selection of secure opensource software for the SME-Opensource Package used here
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