- Ways and Solutions for Innovation and Digitalization

From Recognition, through Capability to Mastery

Your partner for projects with impact and change -

More than just a website -

SME-Opensoure Package + odoo Apps is an Opensource Demo Platform with Innovations for SMEs

Developed by Rainer Tolksdorf

  • It consists of Free and Opensource Software (FOSS)
  • Sample Business-IT for SMEs (e.g. ERP, CRM, GDPR conform Marketing Tools, private Cloud)
  • Demonstrates suitability for daily business and innovation
  • Uses AI (artificial intelligence, opensource and chatGPT)
  • Use Case: Opensource Navigator with Appication Reports

Mehr zum Opensource Navigator

What Customers expect

Mastering Digitalisation, Risks, Growth Inhibitors and Cost Drivers

  • Knowhow and open topics
  • Uncertainty about topics and approach
  • Contradictory recommendations
  • Ambiguity in the initial situation
  • Uncertainty about own abilities and skills
  • Questions about costs and investments
  • Questions about planning and investments
  • Looking for an independent opinion
  • Situation, options, business plans needed
  • Analysing and showing advantages and potentials of investments
  • Projects and change management should commence soon
  • Data sovereignty, data protection and digitalization open topics
  • Funding and necessary documents missing
  • Simple need for discussion on the topics
  • IT costs for office workstations and systems are too high
  • The costs for merchandise management / warehouse management / logistics , ERP or CRM are too high
  • How can IT become flexible and customizable?
  • Business development and digitization slowed down by high capacity utilization
  • Lack of skills or capacity for specialist mentoring, plans and projects
  • Solutions and data sovereignty
  • Discuss the situation and options for action
  • Dependence on individual employees or IT providers
  • Data storage, cloud, hosting, on-premise operation
  • Data quality and usability
  • Management topics
  • Efficiency and effectiveness
  • Changes in marketing and the rest of the company
  • Communication, measurability, commitment
  • Digitization and acceptance
  • Project results are underutilized in practice
  • Improve data quality and quality management
  • Project team and organization are working at cross purposes
  • How does change management work?
  • Overcoming data silos
  • Experience missing
  • Lack of clarity or knowledge at the start of the project
  • Replacement, expansion or adaptation to circumstances?
  • Communication partners, users, IT difficult
  • Lack of independent analysis of the situation
  • Personnel bottleneck
  • Solution is avoided internally
  • Specialist mentoring wanted
  • Lack of time and resources
  • Independent party in demand
Quick-Check Workshop

Your Questions and Topics?

Use quick-checks to gain clarity about the initial situation and impact chains and create a basis for strategy and planning.

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Your independent partner for your topics

Strategy + Planning

Improve business, plan IT projects and innovations with business and IT practice.

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Timeboxed Innovation

Secure business, plan IT projects and innovations with business and IT practice

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SME-Opensource Pack

Innovative, individual IT-projects with engineering (for operations, ERP, CRM, innovation, marketing, etc.)
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References and Epics

Excerpt of realized pioneer and innovation projects

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Why work with and Rainer Tolksdorf?



Digitalization and innovation strengthen teams and change things for the better



Making digital innovation simple together 

Rainer Tolksdorf +

Rainer Tolksdorf

Always interested in technology and what can be done with it.

Dipl. Ing. (FH) Physical Engineering
Gas- and water Fitter
Founder of

Active with you everywhere – At home on Lake Constance in Konstanz and Kreuzlingen (Thurgovia)

The independent companies Gmbh (Kreuzlingen / Thurgau) and UG (haftungsbeschränkt - Konstanz/DE) offer innovation, business experience and solutions at standardized, attractive conditions for the Swiss, German/EU markets.
Why People enjoy working with Rainer and