Future-proof digitalization of a young, dynamic SME

The safe solution for water experts

(Picture provided by SRW-Ulm))

Digital transformation of SRW-Ulm with the KMU-Opensource Package, Strategy + Planning and Digital Engineering by Tolksdorf.digital

SRW-Ulm is a regionally active service SME. Offering: comprehensive advice and projects for water softening, water testing, water treatment and better water quality as well as protection against storm and flood damage. 

More about Service rund ums Wasser (SRW-Ulm) 

Customer Satisfaction, Feedback

"Tolksdorf.digital is our reliable partner for IT issues. The implemented solution works extremely reliably and supports us in our work every day."

Customer benefit and goal

The digitalization solution should enable processes that are as paperless as possible with a uniform platform that supports mobile, flexible working and dynamic company growth.

  • Provide future-proof functions and processes for operations, customer management and collaboration,
  • can be operated in-house ("on premise") 
  • to ensure data sovereignty and independence,
  • support the management in the implementation of strategies,
  • be introduced gradually and be as easy to use as possible,
  • secure data storage and management on standard market devices, focus on Apple

Initial situation

A plethora of different, non-integratable web tools were being used. This hindered company growth and data security. The individual solutions obtained from the Internet resulted in high costs depending on the number of users.


SME-Opensource Package as innovative Solution for Process Optimization

  • License-free open source software that can be used on any smartphone and any computer:
    - Odoo ERP / CRM
    - Nextcloud
    - Open Office
  • Supported hardware and operating systems:
    - PC (Windows and Linux)
    - Apple Mac, iPad, iPhone
    - Android Tablets and Smartphones
    - Google Chromebook
  • Server: 
    - ASUS, 36 GByte RAM, 42 TByte HDD
    - proxmox for virtualization, data backup
  • Paid Cloud Services:
    - Hetzner Cloud

Further information on the SME-Opensource Package used

Information about the system structure, expandability, technology and much more.

More Info

Methods used
  • ISO9001:2015 compliant Project Management and Digital Innovation Engineering provided by Tolksdorf.digital.
  • The Quick Check results were used for the funding application.

Project contribution and role

Offering "Opensource / Digital Solutions"plus all-round support as a supplier and responsible IT business partnerAA

  • Creation of IT concept
  • Budget- and overall planning, project management and implementation in accordance with  public funding guidelines
  • System-, operational- and user support
  • Application hosting at Tolksdorf.digital during system setup
  • Definition, setup and delivery of server hardware
  • Introduction of Odoo ERP / CRM and Nextcloud
  • Network and WLAN setup with ubiquiti devices
  • Domainverwaltung bei Hetzner, Aufsetzen Reverse Proxy mit Tailscale VPN
  • Virtualization with proxmox, Linux server
  • Data migration from Microsoft Onedrive to Nextcloud
  • Ongoing extensions by arrangement
  • Warranty

Final result 

The project was successfully implemented according to initial planning and has since been expanded in the area of customer management (CRM) (customizing). It fully meets the expectations and plans formulated in the initial situation and creates new scope for further optimization and cooperation with partners.

With nextcloud, company data is managed securely and efficiently and synchronized to any end device. This means that they are also available in places where the internet cannot be used.

The solution is user-friendly and thanks to the transfer of know-how, the back office has already been able to make adjustments independently. 

Contact to the reference
  • On request.

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